

Navigating a surrogacy in general can get confusing. Then add the decision to do an independent journey to the equation and you have a lot more navigating to do. Here at BabyBoom Surrogacy USA we want to help take the uncertainty out of your decision.

We are now offering a consulting service that will get you all your answers you need in one place. If we do not know the answer, then we do the work to find out for you. With this service, we are here to help you throughout your entire journey, from the beginning to the delivery.

We offer a step by step guide of what to expect, referrals and one place for you to go with all of your questions. This fee is due at time of signing the agency agreement.

Starting at $2,000

Below is a list of what we can help with:

  • Where to start

  • Requirements when looking for the perfect carrier

  • Insurance (medical and life)

  • Contract navigation          

  • Legal

  • Expected expenses

  •   Escrow

  • Psychological evaluations

  • Referrals

  • Mediation between IP and Carrier

Frequently Asked Questions

Where to start? Application, meet, background check, insurance check, if they do not have insurance, how do we get her a policy, Will your doctor/clinic work with the surrogate you have chosen? Do we need to talk to an attorney before we match?

Requirements for surrogacy? Is there an age limit? Weight limit? Pregnancy limit? C-section limit? What kind of life style do they live?

Insurance: Do all policies that cover pregnancies cover a surrogate pregnancy? How do I know if my potential surrogates’ insurance will cover a surrogate pregnancy? What does it cover? OB? Delivery? Baby? What if my potential surrogate does not have insurance or does not have a policy that covers a surrogate pregnancy? Is there a place where we can get the policy reviewed if we do not know for sure if the policy covers a surrogate pregnancy or not? Is baby covered under the surrogate’s policy or do I need to put the baby on my own insurance at delivery?

Contracts: What is common in contracts? What is uncommon? What is acceptable? What should we make sure to have in it? Who drafts the contracts? Who reviews them?

Legal: Do we each need our own attorney? Why? Do we need two different attorneys in every state? Who pays for each one? What does each attorney do?

What expenses to expect? What expenses are expected to pay the surrogate other than the base compensation? Are they required? What is acceptable and what is not? Are these expenses negotiable?

Escrow: What is escrow? Why do we need it? Who has access to it? How much money needs to be in the account?

Psychological Evaluation: Do we need this? Who needs this? US? Just the surrogate or husband too? Who pays for this? Who has access to this? Do we get to see the results to the surrogates evaluation?

  • Contact us for pricing and more details